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獲得亞巡賽,亞太高爾夫球聯盟和廣東高協的認可,總決賽匯集了80余位亞洲頂尖青年球手,另外還有來自2012費度歐洲杯總決賽的選手。比賽結果將被列為R&A世界業余排名的一項計分(男選手和女選手);亞洲選手各年齡組別的冠軍將被邀請參加2013費度歐洲杯總決賽。 男、女領先冠軍還將被邀請參加一項職業賽事。
跟以往一樣, 費度亞洲杯總決賽是一次難得的比賽經驗。 6大滿貫得主尼克費度先生將親臨現場,和所有選手分享他30多年的高球生涯的豐富經驗。在比賽周期間,我們也邀請了其他專業人士給球手進行一系列獨特的研討會。
球手組別以2012年1月1日的年齡劃分(即前一年)。男子從金色發球臺開球 (約6,500 碼) ,女子從藍色發球臺開球(約6,100 碼)。為公平起見,球手必須使用觀瀾湖高爾夫球會統一提供的球僮,并在賽事報到時提前支付每場至少人民幣150元的球僮費(已包括小費)。 其他比賽條件和球手須知將在賽事報到時提供。
屆時深圳氣溫預計在15˚C – 19˚C, 是一年中相對干燥少冷的時間。比賽期間的所有服裝必須符合高爾夫標準。頒獎晚宴需穿正裝(男生穿西裝,帶領帶 )。 每個球手將在登記時領取一個高爾夫球帽、一件外套和三件T-恤,請球手按要求在費度亞洲杯總決賽三天比賽期間穿戴規定的T-恤和帽子。
每個國家將會有一位賽事官員,包括球會穿梭巴士服務、官員用餐和3月12日的一場高爾夫球活動(需要支付球童球車費人民幣360元)。請注意不包括住宿費用,如需入住請自行預定,球會提供優惠價人民幣1080元(豪華房,含早餐;其它房型請咨詢觀瀾湖高爾夫球會)。如需預訂,請于2月4日星期一前聯系觀瀾湖高爾夫球會: fsachina@missionhillschina.com
Tom Phillips
費度杯 行政總裁
Sir Nick Faldo is pleased to confirm your invitation to play in the seventh Faldo Series Asia Grand Final.
Supported by ISPS, Mission Hills and The R&A, the Grand Final will be hosted by Sir Nick and played on the Faldo Course at Mission Hills Golf Club in Shenzhen, China on March 13-15, 2013.
Sanctioned by the Asian Tour, the Asia Pacific Golf Confederation and the Guangdong Golf Association, the Grand Final will bring together more than 80 of Asia’s leading young golfers, plus winners from the 2012 Europe Grand Final. Results will count towards the World Amateur Golf Ranking (boys and girls) and Sir Nick will invite the champion in each age-category (three boys, two girls and winner of the ‘Mission Hills Trophy’ for the leading Chinese player) to compete in the 2013 Europe Grand Final. Sir Nick will also arrange for the overall boy and girl champion to play in a professional Tour event.
As always, the Grand Final will be more than a unique tournament experience. Six-time Major Champion Nick Faldo will spend time with you in order to pass on his advice and experience from more than 30 years of playing at the highest level. Other experts will also be attending to offer you professional support and advice during the week.
Mission Hills in Shenzhen, China is officially the world’s largest golf resort with 12 courses, each designed by a famous golfer. Accommodation and all catering functions are on-site at Mission Hills, as is the driving range, gym and other leisure facilities. Security is high at all times and any excursions off the grounds, if any, will be accompanied by an official. For further information on Mission Hills visit www.missionhillschina.com.
Tournament format
The Grand Final will be played over 54 holes (with no cut) on the highly-acclaimed Faldo Course. The format will be gross stroke-play with trophies awarded to the winner and runner-up in each of the following categories: Boys’ Under-21, Boys’ Under-18, Boys’ Under-16, Girls’ Under-21 and Girls’ Under-16. Also, the Mission Hills Trophy will be awarded to the leading player from mainland China and the Faldo Series Asia Trophy will be awarded to one overall champion, regardless of age or gender.
Players will be allocated their category according to their age on January 1, 2012 (i.e. the previous year). Boys will play from the gold tees (approx 6,500 yards) and girls will play from the blue tees (approx 6,100 yards). Players must use official caddies as supplied by Mission Hills and an advance caddie tip of RMB 150 per round will be payable by players during tournament registration. Further tournament conditions and player briefing notes will be provided during tournament registration.
Registration and schedule
Tournament registration will be open on Monday 11 March and Tuesday 12 March from 9am to 6pm both days. Registration will take place at the Help Desk, located in the Valley Room in the Mission Hills Resort in Shenzhen. The official practice round will take place on Tuesday 12 March, followed by a player seminar and dinner buffet that evening. There is also an optional practice round and dinner buffet on Monday 11 March for early arrivals. Players will be free to depart from 5.30pm on Friday 15 March. A provisional schedule is attached.
Clothing and apparel
The weather is expected to be between 15˚C – 19˚C and relatively cool but dry for the time of year. The dress code for the week will be smart golf attire at all times and formal attire for the gala dinner. One golf cap, one wind jacket and three golf polo shirts will be supplied to each player on arrival and these must be worn as stipulated during the tournament.
The following costs at Mission Hills will be covered for the players during the tournament period: Mission Hills’ shuttle service (see ‘travel & transfers’ below); twin-share hotel accommodation (max 4 nights, check-out March 15); golf; practice facilities; and all official meals (please note this includes breakfast and dinner but not lunch).
Please note costs NOT covered include: travel to and from Mission Hills; personal expenses (including two half-way houses on the Faldo Course); compulsory caddie tips of RMB 150/round (see ‘tournament format’ above); and extra night(s’) accommodation. If extra accommodation is required, including the nights of Sunday 10 March and/or Friday 15 March, a special rate from RMB 1,080 will apply for a deluxe room plus breakfast. Please indicate the player’s check-in and check-out dates on the entry form and the hotel booking will be arranged, including extra nights if applicable.
Team manager
One team manager is invited from each qualifying venue (see entry form). The invite includes the Mission Hills’ shuttle service, official meals and an optional round of golf on Tuesday 12 March (a cart and caddie fee of RMB 360will apply). Please note accommodation is NOT included for team managers and should be booked direct with Mission Hills, which is offering special rates from RMB 1,080 for a deluxe room plus breakfast. For reservations, please contact Mission Hills direct on fsachina@missionhillschina.com by Monday 4 February.
If the travelling team manager is an R&A qualified rules referee and would like to offer his/her services during the tournament, please indicate on the entry form and the Faldo Series will cover accommodation costs and apparel.
Friends and family
For additional team managers, or friends and family, Mission Hills is offering special rates from RMB 1,080 for a deluxe room plus breakfast; and RMB 150 to attend the Gala Dinner (subject to availability). For reservations, contact Mission Hills direct on fsachina@missionhillschina.com by Monday 4 February.
Travel and transfers
Registered players and team managers arriving via Hong Kong International Airport will have free use of the Mission Hills shuttle bus service which is available from Gate 17 of the Huanggang border (mainland China side) and takes approx 45 minutes to the Mission Hills Resort in Shenzhen. The shuttles normally run at 30-minute intervals during weekdays and 20-minute intervals at weekends except for some special periods (schedule available on request). Players should make their own way to the border by taxi or bus from Hong Kong International Airport (45 minutes to the border) and then pass through customs on foot. For details of express buses running from HK Airport to the Huanggang border please visit www.hongkongairport.com/eng/transport/index.html
Players can fly to Shenzhen (45 minutes to Mission Hills) or Guangzhou (120 minutes to Mission Hills) in China where taxis are available to/from the Mission Hills Resort in Shenzhen. Transfers are not provided from these locations.
Visas and insurance
Players are responsible for purchasing their own tourist visa in advance for entry into China (please note that a tourist visa cannot be purchased at the border and anyone without a visa will be refused entry into China). Players are also responsible for their own travel and medical insurance and must travel with the appropriate paperwork.
Entry deadline
Please return the attached entry form by fax or email to the Faldo office by Monday 4 February to confirm your entry and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Sir Nick and the team very much look forward to seeing you at Mission Hills in March.
Yours sincerely
Tom Phillips
Chief Executive Officer, Faldo Series