推球基本功 你都掌握了嗎
Good putters work on creating a simple pendulum motiona concept which demands and revolves around a good setup posture position. For the posture I like to see the body tilted from the hips over which enables thehands be position directly underneath the shoulders and both elbows restingclose into the body. Having your eyes in over the target line will help withyour aiming of the clubface.
A good piece of advice (only when putting not fullshots) after hitting the ball stay in your posture and listen for the ball togo into the hole and you will be amazed how more consistent your putting willbe.
Holding the putter is a little different from the grip that you would normally use when playing a driver or iron shot. Position the handle of the club up in the palm of the left hand (for a right handedgolfer). This will take the smaller muscles out of play and encourage the bigger muscles to swing the club so under pressure this will give you morecontrol on direction and distance.
Improve your putter face alignment by using asimple yet useful practice aid made out chopsticks and a piece of string.
Place the ball directly underneath the suspendedline then simply make sure the line on top of your putter head is square.Please note you need to find a flat surface when practicing this drill.
Once you have read the intended line for you putt refrain from changingyour mind while standing over the ball. Trust your originaljudgment any little doubt or indecision is sufficient toimpair performance.